May 31, 2011

Black river stones replace ice cubes - cool!

Brilliant food service & eco move. Celebrity Cruises saves massive amounts of water and energy by substituting smooth black river stones for ice cubes.

May 27, 2011

Book review: TurboCharged

Quick take: In this new book, sister/brother team Dian Griesel and Tom Griesel present an eating plan based on vegetables, fruits, (mostly) lean protein and water and the elimination of grains. Instead of aerobic exercise, prescribed physical activity involves several short sessions of low-impact activities and walking. The goal: relatively rapid weight loss through burning stored fat and then maintenance through a slightly expanded menu of relatively easy-to-metabolize foods (but grains continue to be off-limits).

Audience: Omnivore and largely carnivore eaters who want a healthier alternative to Atkins-style diets and are willing to substitute whole foods for processed foods, junk foods and also for grains (from breads to brown rice and oatmeal). And for those not into heavy aerobic fitness routines but who are willing to incorporate short activities, such as a few sets of push-ups, squats, etc. and leisurely walks into their day. Vegetarian/vegan protein alternative limited to tofu until a later cruise-control phase that allows beans and nuts. Note: For an effective vegetarian/vegan quick-results plan, check out the new Kickstart Your Health at 

Key concepts: Working with the body instead of starving it. Working in harmony with metabolism and hormones to burn stored fat. Easier digestion based on eating when hungry, drawing some elements from calorie-restriction diets but without the need to count calories or weigh/limit portions. Aerobic exercise can stoke hunger for more calories than dieter would burn. Aside from allowance of meats and cheese, which are linked to diseases and disorders (research sources include AICR, AACR and other scientific organizations independent from corporate entities), this diet plan offers such health benefits as reducing insulin levels and insulin resistance, and boosting intake of essential vitamins and minerals through real/whole foods.

Fresh ideas: Learn to distinguish between hunger and appetite (a learned memory) and between hunger and thirst. When and how much water to drink (often, lots). Artificial sweeteners sabotage weight loss. Brushing your teeth can quell cravings. Tightening your belt assists your brain in controlling appetite. Separate your protein and veg-fruit meals.

Food for thought:
* STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS.
* If you ate only fruit after 7 pm, by doing just this one thing, you’d dramatically improve your health and energy.
* Fruits and vegetables can be eaten exclusively and you’ll get plenty of nutrition. Interestingly, the human body is constantly recycling dead cells as a protein source.

More info:

May 26, 2011

Forks Over Knives: Roger Ebert review

Forks Over Knives :: :: Reviews "Here is a film that could save your life," writes Roger Ebert. Provocative, wise review.

May 25, 2011

The NEW Victory Gardens: give me liberty & taste!

The closer I am to the source of the veggies I eat, the better I feel about myself and the planet. The most satisfying food on my plate is the carrot or pea that I knew as a seed...[veggies] all grown with a small investment of money — a few dollars for seed.... People such as Rosalind Creasy are showing us that fruit and vegetable gardens can be beautiful while making a statement. The lawn as landscape icon was a declaration that you didn’t have to farm anymore. Perhaps we can replace it with a front-yard veggie garden that declares the age of the lawn over. What a proclamation that would be for thrift, self-sufficiency, horticultural skill, concern for the environment and the world we pass on."  Read the rest of Adrian Higgins's smart advice here.

Keeping the Buzz Going - Bee Hiving

ONE New England - Keeping the Buzz Going

May 18, 2011

Real Nature Beats Technological Stand-Ins for Human Well-Being

Real Nature Beats Technological Stand-Ins for Human Well-Being As our environment degrades and technology improves, can technological versions of nature become suitable replacements?

48 senators extend huge tax breaks to Big Oil Co's

Last night, 48 Senators, including Sen. Marco Rubio, put Big Oil before the American people and helped defeat a bill that would have ended tax breaks for the five biggest oil companies.How could anyone vote against a bill that would have kept $21 billion of American taxpayers' money out of the pockets of cash-rich oil companies? Because they personally profit from it. THose voting for it receive huge donations from Big Oil. Clkck

May 17, 2011

What's in milk? Hint: Yikes! TV expose

13 Investigates has discovered hundreds of dairies have been breaking laws designed to keep antibiotics and other drugs out of our food supply. ... 

May 16, 2011

Simple lines are all the brain needs to get the big picture

A new study using sophisticated brain scans shows how simple line drawings can capture the essence of a beach or a mountain for viewers just as well as a photograph would.

May 13, 2011

Vegan dishes take the cake at Vegas Uncork'd Be sure to check the Viva Las Vegan slideshow near the bottom of the page. Yum! Said Wynn: “Health costs for my employees are a $60 million bill for me. Anything I can do to save medical costs and have healthier, happier employees is a great thing. My busted back, which took four operations, is better because of it -- and I know that cholesterol kills. It causes cancer and 30 other diseases. Sad to say, but most American food is suicidal. If going vegan gives us all better health and longer lives, then that’s good for everybody.”

Boston's Secrets by Bike

Discovering Boston's Secrets On Bike. Read Robin's new article at

Abuse and rescue of calves from farms

As seen on "Ellen" and her website: The Gentle Barn and Mercy for Animals Rescues Calves From Texas Farm

Japanese farmers return to care for cows at nuke site

Guardian article and video here.

May 12, 2011

Monsanto GMO corn has Obama's approval

President pushing to approve Monsanto's GMO corn. From New York Times article: "Last year, U.S. farmers planted some 86.4 million acres of corn, 86 percent of which was genetically engineered to grant resistance to insects and weedkillers.....Monsanto developed the corn in collaboration with the German chemical firm BASF. 

Discovering Boston's secrets by bike

Robin's latest travel article: Discovering Boston's Secrets by Bike. Including Boston's new Hub bikeshare program. In ONE New England magazine.

May 11, 2011

Get along with coworkers, live longer?

That's what this study shows. And what about the boss?

May 10, 2011

Overhauling the world's insane food system

Prince Charles discusses the disastrous effects of modern industrial agriculture, environmental and health destruction, and what people and governments can, and must, do, starting now. Excellent presentation demanding a read - it's here.

May 9, 2011

Trade group pays restaurants, foodmakers to add cheese and promote cheese dishes

Dairy trade promotion group pays restaurants add cheese to dishes and to advertise those dishes. They know that research studies confirm that cheese is addictive.Cheese contains casomorphins 

May 5, 2011

Animal art-spotting in Sioux Falls

Animal sculptures from streets to prairie, and good eating too, in Sioux Falls S.D. Article here.

May 3, 2011

YouTube caves to meat profiteers; bans cruelty documentary video

Gratuitous raunch is OK by YouTube, but not documentaries that would raise awareness. Businesses want you to keep your head buried in the sand so that you'll remain an obedient, mindless consumer. Article here.

CALL OF LIFE mass extinction film - trailer

Award-winning film - colossal cinematography. Sounds like a must-see.

Summary of Berkeley Earth Day Conference

Pretty good, short, enlightening summary here.

Perez Hilton: More evidence that celebs are more ethical than elected govt officials

As he says, what America needs are more cameras on factory farms, not fewer.

Deadly weather in US could become the norm - environment - 03 May 2011 - New Scientist

Deadly weather in US could become the norm - environment - 03 May 2011 - New Scientist

Literally cool, supersized blimps for mass cargo transport

New, green, safe air ships being developed to move up to 50-ton payload (cargo) direct to customers, no tarmac or roads needed. First models projected to launch in 2013. Article here.

May 2, 2011

Firefighters fired up over vegan shape-up diet

From TX to Detroit to Bethesda, real men going vegan. Click link above.

Pet allergies: smart tips for dealing with them

Pets with allergies? Pets allergic to their people? Pets allergic to each other? Read on:

May 1, 2011

High alkaline diet: how it works

Beachside lighting to help nesting sea turtles

Sea turtles are nesting now. Help them hatch and live with these easy beachside lighting basics (dim those lights, save lives). Tips here.